
You don’t need to go to Tuscany or Rome for the ultimate Italian ‘dolce vita’ feeling. That is because Forzalaqua brings this feeling to your own bathroom, where you can experience it every day. Forzalaqua is an extraordinary line of bathroom products, with an appearance that is simultaneously robust and elegant. Many have fallen in love with the exceptional combination of solid natural stone and solid oak. The products are made with much love: in an artisanal fashion, by hand.

We travel the entire world in order to create that characteristic Forzalaqua style. A creative team of top-notch designers guarantees unique products, which change your bathroom visit into a true experience. Not only the first or second time, but every day.


Our way of work

No destination is too far when it regards the pure Forzalaqua quality. From a quarry in an exotic country to your bathroom: the products undergo a true transformation. With a critical view we fly all over the world, to find the right kind of natural stone in quarries. When mining the different kinds of stone, the hand often turns out to still be the best instrument. First-grade professionals work with heart and soul on the processing of the solid natural stone. The same thing goes for the high-quality oak: only the best is incorporated in a Forzalaqua product.

We like to see our designers as artists, who let themselves get inspired by nature. Italy, the land of beauty, style and class, is also one of the greatest sources of inspiration. By looking further than the beaten track, Forzalaqua is able to surprise you. From the very first sketch to the final result, the product is treated with the utmost care and passion.


Our products

Warm, but sleek. Robust, but simultaneously stylish. And especially: different from others. The feeling the Forzalaqua products give you, cannot be put into words. You are best off experiencing it for yourself. There is generous choice from, amongst others, washbasins, vanity units, cabinets, washbowls, plateaus, fountains, shower bases and mirrors.

What do these products have in common? They are all created by hand, by people who are true artists in their field. And you see, feel and experience that. Once you set foot in your bathroom, you will experience an unparalleled feeling of luxury. Your bathroom will undoubtedly become one of your favorite rooms in the house.